Getting Intimate with CX: Episode 7

Delivering on your promises lies at the heart of authentic customer experiences and that’s exactly what the CX team at banking giant, NAB, is striving to do.

In Episode 7 of ‘Getting Intimate with #CX’ podcast, CX team members, Sarah Graham and Donna Hutchison, share their views on what makes a great experience to them personally, and how a seamless promise and continuous improvement are key.

Sarah Graham is the head of customer experience initiatives at National Australia Bank. With over 20 years’ experience solving business problems across a variety of industries including financial services, utilities, government, education and health.

Sarah has now shifted her focus from solving business problems to those encountered by customers and has spent the last four years at NAB leading a customer obsessed team identifying and removing customer frustrations and working to improve the overall experience customers have with NAB.

Donna Hutchison is the general manager of customer experience at National Australia Bank. She has been a NAB customer since she was 7 years old and with over 15 years of experience in the banking industry in roles covering strategy, corporate finance, treasury and wealth management she is loving the opportunity to put these skills to good use in improving the experience for NAB’s customers.

In her currently role, Donna has accountability for embedding a culture of customer advocacy at NAB via the Net Promoter System, which includes using customer data and insights to improve advocacy by investing in the interactions and moments that matter most to customers.



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